Chapter 28 Epilogue A Quick Proposal

"You're awake, aren't you?"

An old woman sitting on a chair beside the bed called out to the old man lying on the bed with a warm smile on her face.

The old woman looked about fifteen years younger than the old man, and even in her old age she was still a graceful and beautiful woman.

"How long have you been asleep? "

The old man asked her in a hoarse voice.

"It's been about two days.

I'm so glad you're awake. ....

Come on. Please drink some water."

The old woman smiles, as if trying to hold back tears, and tends to the old man.

"...I was dreaming."

The old man finishes his water and mutters to himself.

"Well. What kind of dream? "

The old woman asks the old man with kind eyes.

"It's a dream of how I met you, broke off the engagement, got engaged again and got married."

"Well, that's a very long dream, isn't it?"

The old woman says with a warm, sunny smile.


You've made my life so happy.

It was a joyous New Year's Eve surrounded by my children and grandchildren.

You were with me until the day I died, and I never felt alone.

All I needed was for you to smile at me, and I was happy.

Because of you, I've been very happy."

"...I'm so, so happy to have you in my life."

"Anna... give me a kiss..."

"Oh. I'm already an old woman."

"...I don't care what you look like... you're pretty..."

As the old man lies on his back on the bed, the old woman gently lays her lips on his.

"Anna... we will meet again in the next life...

I am the Grand Duke of Miracles."

I'll make a miracle happen... and I'll see you again...

And when I do...

I want you to marry me."


That's a very hasty proposal.

I'll accept your proposal."

The old woman squeezes the old man's hand and smiles gently, her eyes moistening.

The old woman squeezes his hand and turns her gentle eyes to him.

They stared at each other without exchanging a word.

They had spent so much time together that words were unnecessary.

"...I have to go over there now..."

"Please wait over there for a moment.

I'll be with you in a moment."

"...stay here for a moment...

There's a lot of preparation that goes into making a miracle happen."


I'm sure I'll find you in the next life.

The measure of my heart is 'never give up on my happiness'.

I have no intention of giving up on my happiness in my next life either."

"...I see.

Will you look for me too?

Then I'm sure we'll meet."


If you don't recognize me when you see me, I'll propose to you again.

So please don't worry."

"'s all right...

I don't think I'll be able to look at you and not notice."


The old woman laughed softly.

"...Anna...I love you..."

"I love you too.

With all my heart, I love you.

............ Good night. Mr. Gino."

Holding the old man's hand, the old woman let out a few tears.

Thus ended the life of the man known as the "Miracle Grand Duke" who had greatly developed the Duchy of Sevensforth and established the Grand Duchy of Sevensforth.

The life of the man who accomplished the feat of founding the nation was a turbulent one.

Many of his subjects were fascinated by his "miraculous" reforms in various fields such as domestic politics, diplomacy, and military affairs, and when he pulled out his teeth for treatment, the nobles would pull out their healthy teeth.

Although he had enormous influence both at home and abroad, when he handed over the title of Grand Duke to his son, he secluded himself in his villa and refused to have anything to do with politics.

It is said that his life at the palace was so peaceful that his turbulent life seemed to have been a mirage.

In his old age, he was always close to his wife, as if he spent all his remaining time on her.